Kabza De Small, South Africa’s “King of Amapiano,” recently had fans in stitches after a video of him showing off his dance moves went viral on social media. The renowned DJ and producer was seen busting some hilarious moves while wearing an Uber Eats delivery bag on his back, sparking laughter and amusement across Mzansi. The unexpected performance gave a lighter touch to Kabza’s usually serious demeanor and showcased a fun side of the hitmaker that fans rarely get to see.
The clip, shared on Instagram by Everything SA Music, showed Kabza dancing energetically with the delivery bag strapped to his petite frame. The bag actually belonged to Vulela, a viral sensation known for regularly attending events dressed as an Uber Eats driver. It was a spontaneous and entertaining moment that quickly caught the attention of viewers, who couldn’t help but rave about the DJ’s playful antics.
In the video, Kabza can be seen letting loose and having a great time, effortlessly blending his slick dance moves with a dose of humor. Kabza’s lively spirit was evident as he commanded the dance floor with his impromptu routine, leaving the crowd and social media buzzing with excitement. Many fans commented on how amusing it was to see Kabza’s slim frame compared to the oversized Uber Eats bag, which added an extra layer of hilarity to the scene.
Fans took to social media to express their admiration for the DJ’s willingness to let go and embrace the moment, with many praising him for being relatable and down-to-earth despite his superstar status.
Kabza’s playful performance with the Uber Eats bag also brought attention to Vulela, who has become a familiar face at events with his signature delivery bag. It was a perfect example of how humor and music can come together to create a memorable moment, reminding everyone that even the biggest stars know how to have fun.