Controversial musician Oscar Mbo recently issued a heartfelt apology to Limpopo star Kharishma and her team after facing backlash for removing her from the stage during a performance. The incident sparked outrage among South Africans, with many accusing Oscar Mbo of sabotaging Kharishma’s set and threatening to boycott his shows. The apology, delivered during an interview with L-Tido, sought to address the criticism and clear the air regarding the controversy.
The incident occurred when Oscar Mbo reportedly interrupted Kharishma’s performance, asking her to leave the stage before her set was completed. The unexpected removal was met with disappointment and frustration by the audience, who felt that Kharishma, as well as fellow artist Makhadzi, had been disrespected. Social media quickly lit up with criticism of Oscar Mbo, with many fans expressing that the musician’s actions came off as dismissive and disrespectful toward other artists.
During his appearance on L-Tido’s podcast, Oscar Mbo took the opportunity to express his remorse for the incident. “I would really love to apologize to Kharishma, your team, the audience who was there, and everyone, including the event organizers,” he stated. “Apologies once again. I sent out the apology, and I am saying it once again exclusively on the L-Tido podcast.” His tone was sincere as he acknowledged the backlash and tried to make amends for the situation.
The apology, however, received mixed reactions on social media. While some fans appreciated his attempt to take responsibility, others continued to criticize him for what they perceived as arrogance. There were calls for Oscar Mbo to show more respect to fellow artists and understand that everyone deserves the spotlight during their performances. Some users voiced their support for Kharishma, commending her for handling the situation gracefully despite being removed from the stage.
Oscar Mbo’s apology was not just directed at Kharishma but also aimed to mend the rift with fans who had been upset by the incident. With many vowing to boycott his Limpopo shows, the artist’s reputation took a hit, and the apology was seen as a necessary step toward rebuilding trust.