Sabelo Zuma, popularly known as Zuma from the Amapiano duo Amaroto, is reported to be recovering in the hospital after surviving a gunshot wound. The incident occurred when the minibus in which Zuma was traveling came under fire in broad daylight. Details surrounding the shooting remain unclear, but sources close to the Amapiano star have confirmed that he is in stable condition and receiving medical attention.
“All we know is that he got shot in broad daylight and we don’t know what was going on, but we are glad he’s still alive nursing his bullet wound,” a source close to the musician told TshisaLIVE. The source added that Zuma is currently under observation, with medical professionals working to ensure a full recovery.
Images obtained by TshisaLIVE show the damaged vehicle and the wound sustained by the artist, which have been verified as authentic. While the motive for the shooting remains unknown, the incident has left fans and the music community in shock. Many have taken to social media to express their concern for Zuma, sending messages of support and prayers for his recovery.
Zuma is well-known as a member of Amaroto, a popular Amapiano group that has gained significant recognition for their energetic performances and hit songs. Alongside fellow member Reece Madlisa, Zuma has been an influential figure in the genre, contributing to its widespread popularity both in South Africa and internationally. The duo’s rise to fame has been marked by several chart-topping singles, making them a staple in the Amapiano music scene.
Following the news of the shooting, fans and fellow artists alike have been eagerly awaiting updates on Zuma’s condition. The music industry has rallied around the artist, with several musicians taking to social media to share messages of support. The incident has also sparked concern about the safety of musicians, with many calling for increased security for artists who face potential threats.
TshisaLIVE has reached out to Zuma for comment, but no statement has been received as of yet. As this is a developing story, updates will continue to be provided as more information becomes available. For now, the priority remains Zuma’s health and recovery.