Following the harrowing tornado that devastated parts of KwaZulu-Natal, the Nomcebo Zikode Foundation visited uThongathi (Tongaat) to donate winter blankets and food parcels to the victims.
The Nomcebo Zikode Foundation was founded in 2021 with the intention to aid disadvantaged women, children, the elderly, and those in the creative arts sector.
Through initiatives that alleviate socio-economic distress, and forefront our basic human rights, the Foundation values community upliftment through means of inspiration, transparency, accountability and empathy.
Guided by the spirit of Ubuntu, the Foundation spent the day handing out blankets and non-perishable food packs to the victims. “This disaster was very tragic, so I felt it was important for us to come here promptly and lend a helping hand” – says Nomcebo Zikode, who is the founder of the charitable body.
Members of the Foundation also added that it is important for South Africans to come together to help eThekwini in this aftermath. “We encourage all individuals and organizations to use this moment to illustrate the love we have for one another. These people need us to be able to refurbish their lives”.
The current living conditions of the people of Tongaat touched Nomcebo’s heart the most, as she expressed how painful it was to see the already-under-privileged losing their homesteads to this disaster. “It was very hard to not feel sorry for these people, because they already don’t have it easy”, she explains. As much as her presence lightened the mood, the reality of the victims’ situation kept the situation dire, and the urgency to create solutions remains eminent.
The Foundation pledges to continuously engage with the affected communities, and intends to continue participating in initiatives that foster positive outcomes for the disadvantaged. It also is keen to drive impact with organizations that share the same mission, vision and values.