Sir Trill Imitates Shebeshxt. Lehlogonolo Chauke (27) popularly known as Malome Shebe has been making headlines for his Makompo music. And just like that, a new path was opened for him. Lehlogonolo started trending on social media platforms earlier this year and his hit song, Kedi Hit Malume, got picked up in dance challenges.Soon he was booked and busy with radio interviews and performances

Sir Trill has shown interest in shebeshxt of late, and had even went as further as imitating him for fun. Shebeshxt gained more attention following his interview at Podcast and Chill with MacG, which made South Africans understand him more.

Shebeshxt revealed that he’s always been a bit of a problem child. He used to wait in the dark corners of his home in Lebowakgomo, Limpopo to rob people off their cell phones.“I had a child when I was only 21 and I was still in college studying electrical engineering. I told my mother about it, mind you I have an older sister who also have kids and depends on our mother for some of the necessities. I saw how that put a lot of financial strain on her especially with me adding another grandchild,” he told News24.
Lehlogonolo says he was only trying to be a father to his daughter and didn’t want to bother his parents with her needs.“My mother was helping me out, yes, but I wanted to be independent and provide things for her that would make me satisfied as a dad because my parents would only get me the basics. I understood I was still under their care as well.”
story about how he got back to his dream.“I was still a hustling gent last year and there were these guys from my neighbourhood in Lebowakgomo who produced and recorded music. My aunt would often complain to my mother about the level of noise from loud music.“She owns a crèche and would tell my mom about how the kids aren’t able to even take a nap during the day because of the loud music. I told her, ‘Aunty, don’t worry I am going to have a word with them’. But I knew that it was so I’d have a reason to enter their yard because my plan was to take their tools.