Mgiftoz Entertainer Accuses Busta 929 Of Exploiting Him. Amapiano star Mgiftoz Entertainer is a dancer, MC, and vocalist who became popular because of his tunes that captured the attention of Amapiano fans. He started singing a few years ago but he has a history of working his way up behind the scenes and emulating people like Busta 929.

The singer lamented bitterly on Facebook on how the music producer exploited him by underpaying him or not even paying him after featuring on most of the producer’s hit songs.“I mean I work my ass out on most trending songs, not even getting the credit I deserve, the are people up until today who don’t know am the Vocalist behind, Sdudla no Slenda,Vandam ,Sgodo ,Yuriboyka, Nompumelelo and etc. am writing this in tears cause I mean I have a daughter that needs me full force as a father n here am famous but with a low bank balance,” he wrote on Facebook.
Mgiftoz said the DJ didn’t wish him a happy birthday and he’s been acting cold towards him since he declined joining his record label named, Thupa Industry. He also claimed to be living in an undeserving house.“It’s so depressing as an Artist to see most of your songs topping charts but your bank balance is topping zeros awna niks sdudla no Slenda is on 1.7 million plus because of my voice I don’t know about other platforms but still no music video for me or any payment from the song,” the vocalist wrote.
Mgiftoz shared how Busta has never been to his home, while he knows everything about him. He also shared that he will share pictures of his home, and people will see if that’s how an artist of his calibre should be living. “I did my best to love Busta but he never tried hard to give back the love,” he concluded.

Mgiftoz shared how Busta has never been to his home, while he knows everything about him. He also shared that he will share pictures of his home, and people will see if that’s how an artist of his calibre should be living. “I did my best to love Busta but he never tried hard to give back the love,” he concluded.