Black Twitter React To Unimpressed Crowd During Lady Du’s Performance At #CottonFest. With a career dating back to the early 2000s, singer, rapper, and DJ Lady Du found international success after refining her sound to become a leading figure in amapiano, which exploded as a worldwide phenomenon at the dawn of the 2020s. Hailing from a musical family (which includes her father, DJ Choc, and uncle, DJ Zan D), Lady Du naturally gravitated toward DJing as a child, and went on to win national competitions.

Amapiano star Lady Du is trending on social media after a clip from her Cotton Fest performance started making waves online. The crowd of hip hop-heads was unimpressed or rather ignoring her performance, and shady Black Twitter could not help but weigh in on the awkward moment. Heading to the comments section, Mzansi had mixed reactions as some tweeps blamed the stiff crowd, while others blamed Lady Du for recycling old hits and not bringing anything new to her performance.
One tweep wrote: “Lady Du ke oo she is making them sing along mos …..guys, when beyonce perfoms you stand and watch her not wanting to miss a scene….but ke i also don’t know her music so let me leave it to all the nay sayers to carry on.” See more reactions on Twitter: