DJ Zandimaz Reacts To Finally Achieving Her Lifelong Dream . DJ Zandimaz is a Zimbabwean music producer and DJ based in South Africa. She is known for the song Emathandweni which features Nokwazi. Inspired by DJ Zinhle, DJ Zandimaz started her career in 2014. She has played alongside South Africa’s Busiswa, Trademark, DJ Pepsi, Maphorisa, and Uhuru. Her hit single ‘Emathandweni’ has reached a multi-platinum status.

To celebrate her achievements thus far, DJ Zandimaz said her fans and followers should brace themselves for a homecoming gig as she wants to show her appreciation.“I’m planning on hosting a homecoming gig to celebrate with my people. We’re working on the logistics and will announce the venue and date once we’ve confirmed everything. I hope people will come in numbers and celebrate with me,” she said.
The DJ recently shared that she has finally achieved and reached her goal which was to host her own homecoming event. Taking to social media, the star shared the poster of the event titled ‘We Move Fest’ and has stars like Young Stunna who is set to partake in the event. See post:

The DJ said she is on cloud nine due to the support she is receiving.“I’m super humbled with the four nominations. This is something a girl like me could never have seen coming. The love I’ve been getting from home is overwhelming and encouraging as it shows that people are enjoying and embracing my art. I cannot wait to show up on the red carpet and rock it. I hope we’ll win and take something home to our Matabeleland region,” said DJ Zandimaz