Aymos Gets Candid About How The Pandemic Affected His Finances. You might know the song that goes: ‘Piano, ‘piano, asisalali emakhaya ngenxa yakho” (which directly translates to: “‘piano, ‘piano, we no longer sleep at home because of you”), the line is sung by Aymos, who saw his career skyrocketing right after the feature.

Aymos blew up last year after being featured by Scorpion Kings on hit single ‘Emcimbini’, however, his career came to a standstill instead of literally becoming famous due to the lockdown’s pandemic. “After ‘Zaka’, I desperately needed a follow up. ‘eMcimbini’ was that song. It was the biggest song in the country or maybe even in the whole continent. I felt like that was the time I had been waiting for my whole life. And when it hit, quarantine came about. It was traumatising,” he said.
He also mentioned that he went broke because all his gigs got cancelled. “I remember I had more than 50 gigs on my calendar, and I saw them being cancelled each and every day. I could see ‘minus 10 000’, ‘minus 17 000’… I was left with zero. I went broke… and my song was booming in the streets. It was so confusing to my family and my friends. I felt like I wanted to die. Was this meant for Aymos or was this a pandemic affecting really everyone? At that time, I was also expecting a sign so you can just imagine,” he explained.
Aymos recently dropped an album titled ‘Yimi Lo’, and he explained some songs which tells a story more especially about relationships. “What I am singing about is amending the broken heart, what happened wrong. Isn’t it possible for us to fix it? Why didn’t we communicate? ”Muhle”, on the other hand, is a shining ode to natural beauty: You don’t have to put on makeup, you don’t have to put on expensive weaves, because you are beautiful just as you are!”